중거리 TVWS 무선 통신 기술 기반의 네트워크 장비로서, LTE/5G/WiFi 통신 서비스 제공이 어려운 지역에서도 안정적인 무선 인터넷 서비스를 제공합니다. NFT, 조달 혁신 인증, 국정원 보안 기능 확인서, KCMVP 암호화 모듈(국정원/국방부)탑재를 통해 공공기관 및 국방부의 보안 규정을 충족하였으며, 이를 바탕으로 국방부 우수 상용품 'A'등급을 획득하고 육군사관학교의 무인 경계 시스템 실증을 완료했습니다.
The NZC-WS20 model is a medium-range network device based on TVWS wireless internet technology, providing stable wireless internet services even in areas where LTE/5G/WiFi internet services are unavailable or challenging to deploy.
It complies with the security regulations of public institutions and the Ministry of National Defense through NET certification, procurement innovation certification, National Intelligence Service security function verification, and the integration of the KCMVP encryption module (certified by the National Intelligence Service and the Ministry of Defense). Based on this compliance, it has earned an 'A' grade as an excellent commercial product from the Ministry of National Defense and successfully completed the verification of an unmanned surveillance system at the Korea Military Academy.
장거리 TVWS 무선 통신 기술 기반의 네트워크 장비로서, LTE/5G/WiFi 통신 서비스 제공이 어려운 지역에서도 안정적인 무선 인터넷 서비스를 제공합니다. NFT, 조달 혁신 인증, 국정원 보안 기능 확인서, KCMVP 암호화 모듈(국정원/국방부)탑재를 통해 공공기관 및 국방부의 보안 규정을 충족하였으며, 이를 바탕으로 국방부 우수 상용품 'A'등급을 획득하고 육군사관학교의 무인 경계 시스템 실증을 완료했습니다.
The NZC-WS35 model is a long-range network device based on TVWS wireless internet technology, providing stable wireless internet services even in areas where LTE/5G/WiFi internet services are unavailable or challenging to deploy.
It complies with the security regulations of public institutions and the Ministry of National Defense through NET certification, procurement innovation certification, National Intelligence Service security function verification, and the integration of the KCMVP encryption module (certified by the National Intelligence Service and the Ministry of Defense). Based on this compliance, it has earned an 'A' grade as an excellent commercial product from the Ministry of National Defense and successfully completed the verification of an unmanned surveillance system at the Korea Military Academy.

신재생에너지와 TVWS 무선 통신 기술을 결합한 안전관리 플랫폼으로써 일체의 유선 통신 공사 없이 CCTV 및 기타 안전관리 서비스를 구축할 수 있습니다.
NET, 조달 혁신 인증, 국정원 보안 기능 확인서, KCMVP암호화 모듈(국정원/국방부)탑재를 통해 공공기관 및 국방부의 보안 규정을 충족하였으며, 이를 바탕으로 한강사업본부 무선 CCTV 구축, 현대건설 인천신항만 건설안전 CCTV 구축, 육군 사관학교의 무인경계 시스템 실증을 완료했습니다.
The NZIA ESG Pole model is a safety management platform that integrates renewable energy with TVWS wireless internet technology, enabling the deployment of CCTV and other safety management services without the need for wired internet infrastructure.
It satisfies the security regulations of public institutions and the Ministry of National Defense through NET, procurement innovation certification, National Intelligence Service security function verification, and the installation of KCMVP encryption module (National Intelligence Service/Ministry of Defense). Building on this compliance, it has been successfully verified through deployments such as the wireless CCTV system for the Han River Project Headquarters, the construction safety CCTV system for Hyundai Construction at Incheon New Port, and the unmanned surveillance system at the Korea Military Academy.